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Daniel's Messiah Video Series

This DVD contains a 4 part lecture series that Dr. Toby Joreteg presented at the Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda in 2008. Demonstrates how...


Daniel and the Visions

A book encompassing the six visions in the Book of Daniel. The three visions in the Hebrew part of Daniel, chapters 8-12, refers to Jesus...


The Second Coming of Jesus

The book emphasizes the importance of having a state of readiness all the time. Full harmony between the texts describing His coming in the gospels,...



This book provides a chronology, which clarifies every passage in the Book of Revelation. Many events are described twice. Thus chapters 1-11 is the first...


Revelation Made Plain

This is a 40 page condensed version of my 450-page book “Revelation.”



I am Toby (Torbjörn) Joreteg. Jesus opened my mind so I could understand, just as He did to the disciples on their way to Emmaus in Luke 24 (31, 45). Therefore, I give GOD all glory, honor and praise for what's presented here!