

My Testimony  (1 Page)



#1    Daniel 8:13.

#2    Daniel 8:14

#3_  Jesus Ministry.

#4_  E.G.W. and 1844.

#5_  The Little Horn in Daniel 8.

#6_  Catholic Paranoia.

#7_  The Roman Emperor in Daniel 8.

#8_  Desolation.

#9_  Set Up an Abomination that Causes Desolation.

#10_The 490-Year Prophecy.

#11_The Sanctuary Message.

#12_City and Sanctuary Destroyed.

#13_The Messiah in Daniel 10.

#14_The Man Dressed in Linen.

#15_Emperors in Daniel 11.

#16_Daniel 12.

#17_How Long?

#18_The Daily Sacrifice  Abolished.

#19_1,290 and 1,335 Days.

#20_The Day-year Principle in the Bible.



Revelation Made Plain (Short Version, 40 pages)

#21  Introduction to the Book of Revelation.

#22_Sure about Prophecy.

#23_As in the Days of Noah.

#24_Unexpected but Visible Coming.

#25_Signs in the Universe.

#26_Resurrection and Reward.

#27_Plagues and Wrath.

#28A_Terrible End Times.


#28C  E.G. White and Matthew 24.

#29_Revelation Part I.

#30_Revelation Part II.

#31_Revelation Chapter 1.

#32_The Seven Churches (Rev 2 & 3).

#33_The Glorification of Christ (Rev 4 & 5).

#34_The First Four Seals.

#35_Seal 5 and 6.

#36_The Seventh Seal.

#37_The Woman and Her Offspring.

#38_The Two Beasts in Revelation 13.

#39_The 144,000 and the Three Angels' Messages.

#40_The Second Coming.

#41_The Seven Plagues.

#42_The New Testament Babylon.

#43_This World Comes to an End.

#44_The Thousand Years.

#45_The New Earth.

#46_The Concluding Section (Rev. 22:6-21).



#47_Saved by Doctrines?

#48_Knowing God. 

#49_What Comes AFTER Grace? 

#50_Moses and Jesus.

#51_Our Moses Part I.

#52_Our Moses Part II.

#53_The Remnant.

#54_The Unpardonable Sin.

#55_I Don't Need a Thing (Laodicea).

#56_If You Fear the Second Coming - You Are Missing the Point.

#57_Hastening His Coming?

#58_The Seal of God.

#59_The 144,000.

#60_End-time Charts.

#61_The Third Angel's Message.

#62_The Latter Rain.

#63_The Investigative Judgment.

#64_Sunday Laws Next?

#65_The Battle of Armageddon.

#66_Come Out of the Great Tribulation.

#67_The Close of Probation.

#68_The Two Witnesses.

#69_Is America the Beast in Revelation 13?

#70_The Earth Beast in Revelation 13.

#71_The Mortally Wounded Head.

#72_The Sea Beast Blasphemes God.

#73_The Two Women in Revelation 17.

#74_The Scarlet Beast in Revelation 17.

#75_Traditions of Men.